I apologize in advance if this entry turns into a rambling mess. I am thinking at the keyboard, so my thoughts my be very jumbled.
We have been studying and talking and reading and praying so much about Biblical community lately. There is a wealth of fascinating information out there. Churches that are "doing life together" and "living out their faith" and have myriads of books, articles, conferences, blogs, etc. about how they have done it. Some with the apparent attitude that if we want to do it right, we should do it like they do. Reminds me very much of an English teacher I had my junior year of high school. His philosophy was a "free thinking" exchange of ideas. I call it a pooling of ignorance. His class very unstructured and we were encouraged to make up our own minds, at least that was what he said. Come testing time, we were asked to write a paper about a subject he had been "discussing" for several weeks. I flunked it! Why? Because I wrote my paper on what I thought, and what the teacher wanted was for me to parrot back what he had been "discussing". So much for "free thinking" Anyway, the idea that to live in organic community with the people God has placed on our local church by the model God has given some other community of believers, seems incongruous. Organic, means a more natural, local and natural organism. The cells that make up me, although the same kind of cells that make up everybody else, have been uniquely arranged by God Himself to form Katie. If I try to rearrange the cells of my body to be someone else, I pervert the thing that God intended Katie to be. Likewise, the Body of Prince of Peace Assembly is unique to Prince of Peace Assembly. If I try to rearrange (program, position, or push) the members (cells), not referring to legal members, but to regular attenders, into the form of another Body, am I not perverting what God intended Prince of Peace to be? Yet still, we do carry the spiritual DNA, so to speak, of our "parents" or those who have gone before us, individually and collectively. I love the biblical analogy of the church as the body because I can relate much more easily to how one member must work in union with all the other members to function properly. But also because the body is a stunning example of uniqueness without losing any of the commonality.
For our local church to live in community with one another we must live daily by the Spirit of God. We must rely for every cell of our body to be energized, placed, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. This is not just some religious platitude that makes us sound like we know what we are talking about, or a way to Christianize a business model, but a real life, real deal, daily dependence for every breath we take, individually and corporately.
I personally must ask the Lord every day for the strength, wisdom and courage to care about the people in our church, and to care not only with my will and thoughts, but with my actions!
It is so easy for me to just tuck away inside the house and take care of my own business (with scriptural support to do so) and never take the effort to call or get in the car and go to someone's house. I have lately started thinking that not doing so is really a form of laziness. Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins, and I can see how sloth applied to our relationships is a deadly sin for the body. Repent, and ask the Father to empower with His Spirit to do and to be all He requires. The body obeying the head in everything.
Modern Country Kitchen
9 years ago
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