Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mother's Day

Ok, I'm a little tardy in posting about Mother's Day, but c'mon I'm a busy mom....

Mother's Day has never been my favorite holiday. I think I picked up my disdain for the day from my mother. My dislike grew every year with the reading of Proverbs 31, as I never seem to "measure up". Then, my mom passed on, so it seemed my loss was highlighted. Whatever the reason, I have never liked the day.

This year was definately an exception, and I hope a new pattern. I think finally admitting that I didn't like the day, released me to just enjoy the day, without all the expectations I previously had.

We had a wonderful breakfast at church (the men did all the cooking and cleaning up after), I had the opportunity to speak during service (I really miss teaching on a regular basis), and then just a relaxed afternoon and evening with my family. The men did a great job with breakfast and we had alot of fun with the idea of them doing ALL the work. They had even put tablecloths and decorations on the tables. Very impressive.

I pray beginning some of these "new" traditions will help solidify the family feeling in our church.

I have noticed that people are sticking around later and later, chatting after service, which really warms our hearts. God has good plans for us and we anticipate His harvest.

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