Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wow! It has been a while since I posted..shame on me. We have been so busy getting the two older ones going on their new curriculum. They are loving it! TJ has really taken the initiative in his own education with this new software. He wants to finish the grade he is on and advance to the next grade as soon as possible. So far, they are maintaining all top grades and seem to be enjoying the work. They were working on base 10/base 5 math today. YIKES! It has been the first thing that I had to do some serious review on before I could try to explain it to them. I'm not sure we've got it yet. I'll have to google it and see if someone out there has a better explanation than I do.
The weather has been great. Cold, but clear. The drop in temperatures makes the snow on the ground (not very much left) really glisten. The sunshine is encouraging the kids to get outside some and they have been taking walks almost every day. We are expecting rain again by the end of the week, but we'll take all the sunshine we can get for now.
We had to buy a new dryer today. The old one just died. We had the repair guy in and the motor was just fried. Thankfully, the Lord has blessed the church financially so there was money to get what we needed. We are so blessed!
We begin leadership meetings with the board members and their wives tomorrow night. I really believe the Lord is wanting to raise these couples up and use them for His glory. We are entering this season with great anticipation.

1 comment:

team gesink said...

Hello Katie, my name is Kristi Gesink and I work for the Homeschooling Company Alpha Omega Publications. I noticed in a previous post that you had the address of our company typed at the bottom of the post. We would appreciate it very much if you would add that link to your blog.

To do that you need to go into the Customize section of your blog and choose add a gadget. Then choose add a link list, then you can copy and paste the Alpha Omega address into the code. Here is the code you will need to copy and paste

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me at

Thanks again and may God bless your day!
Kristi Gesink